You knew I would get here sooner or later, especially if you've seen anything on Facebook I posted regarding this whole mess. I do actually think, however, that I may be able to put a little different "spin" on this if you will. First off, right up front: I believe Michael Vick has paid the debt he was assessed as far as the justice system is concerned. He was tried, convicted and served his time. I also believe he has a right to make a living. He plays football for a living and I believe there is no legal reason to preclude him from doing do.
My whole problem lies in the second chance concept and the timing. I'm all for second chances, for people who truly deserve a second chance. I don't think that Michael Vick has yet demonstrated his qualification for that second chance. I just think its too soon. He hasn't had time to prove he deserves it. If he had completed his incarceration, laid low for a short time and began to show true remorse and contrition and began contributing his time and efforts to the animal rescue and welfare cause away from and out of the spotlight (as much as possible) I would tend to lend more credence to his words and his proclamations. He may very well be sincere. He may very well be humbled and ashamed and changed and truly sorry for the terrible things he did. We just don't know yet. And until we know I don't think he has yet earned that second chance. I think had he been released 4 to 6 months before the beginning of the NFL season or right at the end of last season a lot of the brouhaha would never have occurred. Its the timing. We were still in the middle of training camps and the start of pre season games and the Eagles wanted him here NOW. Its about winning at all costs and money and morality be damned. If morality played any part whatsoever in the staffing and operation of a NFL franchise at least a dozen different players ( a whole bunch of them from the Dallas Cowboys) would have been out of jobs years ago. Draping Michael Vick's signing in the cloak of "second chances" and allowing a man to redeem himself is a classic case of pissing down your neck and telling you its raining.
Now for the fan backlash. For the hard core Eagles fan - you know who you are - the idiots in the parking lot drinking 8 hours before kick-off, the ones who necessitated the opening of a special court room in the stadium, the ones the TV cameras love to show screaming the E A G L E S chant at the top of their lungs while spilling beer all over each other, the knuckleheads whose entire rooms, nay HOMES, are decorated in team paraphernalia, the ones who spend 24 hours a day seven days a week tuned in to 610 WIP, you get my point. They don't care a lick about anything Michael Vick did, didn't do, deserves or doesn't deserve. They want to win, they want to win NOW and anything and everything that Jeffrey Lurie and Andy Reid do is just fine with them, no matter what they may say. These are the people who want to jump off the Walt Whitman bridge the day after a regular season loss.
I fit into a different category and I really do believe there are a lot of people like me and I would like to believe that WE are the ones the Eagles are underestimating. I watch the Eagles. I root for the "home team". I played football as a kid, I coached youth football for a bunch of years and I truly do love the game. Not necessarily the way the pros play it but I always liked the game. That being said, I can live without it. If I watched an Eagles game of course I wanted them to win but if they lost I shrugged my shoulders and went on about my business. Its a freakin' game! Their win or loss has no effect on my or my life what so ever. And that's why its so easy for me to completely write them off. I have no season tickets to give up. I own not a single piece of Eagles merchandise or clothing and they have now assured me that I never will. I feel strongly enough about the Eagles premature signing of this man that I WILL follow through on my boycott of their games, sponsors and anything else that would indicate the slightest chance that I approve or condone of their actions. I think maybe the Eagles don't believe there are that many people who will actually follow through on their threats to abandon the team and I can only wish that at some point during the season they will find out differently. I don't know whether it will be a decrease in TV ratings, a decrease in merchandise and clothing sales or fewer people trying to climb the Walt after a loss. I just hope I'm right and the Eagles can find out somehow that they are just plain wrong.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
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