You knew I would get here sooner or later, especially if you've seen anything on Facebook I posted regarding this whole mess. I do actually think, however, that I may be able to put a little different "spin" on this if you will. First off, right up front: I believe Michael Vick has paid the debt he was assessed as far as the justice system is concerned. He was tried, convicted and served his time. I also believe he has a right to make a living. He plays football for a living and I believe there is no legal reason to preclude him from doing do.
My whole problem lies in the second chance concept and the timing. I'm all for second chances, for people who truly deserve a second chance. I don't think that Michael Vick has yet demonstrated his qualification for that second chance. I just think its too soon. He hasn't had time to prove he deserves it. If he had completed his incarceration, laid low for a short time and began to show true remorse and contrition and began contributing his time and efforts to the animal rescue and welfare cause away from and out of the spotlight (as much as possible) I would tend to lend more credence to his words and his proclamations. He may very well be sincere. He may very well be humbled and ashamed and changed and truly sorry for the terrible things he did. We just don't know yet. And until we know I don't think he has yet earned that second chance. I think had he been released 4 to 6 months before the beginning of the NFL season or right at the end of last season a lot of the brouhaha would never have occurred. Its the timing. We were still in the middle of training camps and the start of pre season games and the Eagles wanted him here NOW. Its about winning at all costs and money and morality be damned. If morality played any part whatsoever in the staffing and operation of a NFL franchise at least a dozen different players ( a whole bunch of them from the Dallas Cowboys) would have been out of jobs years ago. Draping Michael Vick's signing in the cloak of "second chances" and allowing a man to redeem himself is a classic case of pissing down your neck and telling you its raining.
Now for the fan backlash. For the hard core Eagles fan - you know who you are - the idiots in the parking lot drinking 8 hours before kick-off, the ones who necessitated the opening of a special court room in the stadium, the ones the TV cameras love to show screaming the E A G L E S chant at the top of their lungs while spilling beer all over each other, the knuckleheads whose entire rooms, nay HOMES, are decorated in team paraphernalia, the ones who spend 24 hours a day seven days a week tuned in to 610 WIP, you get my point. They don't care a lick about anything Michael Vick did, didn't do, deserves or doesn't deserve. They want to win, they want to win NOW and anything and everything that Jeffrey Lurie and Andy Reid do is just fine with them, no matter what they may say. These are the people who want to jump off the Walt Whitman bridge the day after a regular season loss.
I fit into a different category and I really do believe there are a lot of people like me and I would like to believe that WE are the ones the Eagles are underestimating. I watch the Eagles. I root for the "home team". I played football as a kid, I coached youth football for a bunch of years and I truly do love the game. Not necessarily the way the pros play it but I always liked the game. That being said, I can live without it. If I watched an Eagles game of course I wanted them to win but if they lost I shrugged my shoulders and went on about my business. Its a freakin' game! Their win or loss has no effect on my or my life what so ever. And that's why its so easy for me to completely write them off. I have no season tickets to give up. I own not a single piece of Eagles merchandise or clothing and they have now assured me that I never will. I feel strongly enough about the Eagles premature signing of this man that I WILL follow through on my boycott of their games, sponsors and anything else that would indicate the slightest chance that I approve or condone of their actions. I think maybe the Eagles don't believe there are that many people who will actually follow through on their threats to abandon the team and I can only wish that at some point during the season they will find out differently. I don't know whether it will be a decrease in TV ratings, a decrease in merchandise and clothing sales or fewer people trying to climb the Walt after a loss. I just hope I'm right and the Eagles can find out somehow that they are just plain wrong.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Folks, this is a long one! My friend, Fefe, who I admire and adore, is pissed and said so in a Facebook post I read a few minutes ago. Now before we go any further I need you to know that this latest rant is in no way, shape or form meant to reflect poorly on her. She is merely the inspiration. My "muse" if I may be so bold!
Fefe is pissed, and rightly so, because the City of Philadelphia, of which I am a resident and she is not, is threatening to cancel an event which has been held for many years here in the city, that being the ABATE (Alliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education) Toy Run For The Kids. The kids being referenced are young patients being treated for illness and accidents at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. ABATE, (I am old enough to remember way back when I joined ABATE in the 70's when the acronym meant "Alliance of Bikers Against a Totalitarian Establishment"). The organization, like me, has mellowed a bit as the years have passed. I still like the old name. Even though I was a cop for many years I like to think I still harbor a good deal of that "stick it to the man" attitude. Anyway, back to Fefe. The toy run, as well as a motorcycle run conducted by the POW/MIA awareness group Friends Of The Forgotten, are both the victims of the big time budget crunch that allegedly exists here in the City Of Brotherly Love. Fefe and many many others that I know who ride motorcycles for recreation and fun have been regular participants in these events and others like them over the years. Now these events are in danger of being scrapped because the City can not afford to pay the costs that the Mayor, Michael Nutter, claims the City incurs when these events and others like them are held. Its not just motorcycle events. Numerous civic and ethnic groups have been threatened with the cancellation of their festival or parade unless they come up with a big pile of money to reimburse the City for the costs. The whys and whens and hows and ins and outs and the actual numbers involved escape me at the moment (I will conduct further research to ID some specifics) but the bottom line is that the city is no longer able to fund the costs of police and fire and ems services, as well as the streets department who cleans up after the events and all the other city agencies who are involved in one way or the other when an event is held.
I know that the St. Patrick's Day Parade, a big time deal in Philly, was nearly cancelled until a group of corporate sponsors stepped up to provide the funding. Similar appeals were made for donations to allow several other groups to keep their affairs running. Several corporate and civic organizations helped with funding to allow the Gay/Lesbian Pride Fest to go on as planned. The GLBT Fest (please don't slam me if I'm not calling the event or group by its formal name, I'm just trying to make a point) like many others, brings a lot of visitors to the city. They spend money. Hotels, restaurants, taxis, you name it, all benefit from these events. No one group or organization is more important than the other, each and every one is important to the people who organize and attend them and rightly so.
Is there a point here, Bill? Yes! Its hard to take the whining and crying and moaning and hand wringing and the whole Chicken Little the sky is falling act seriously when you look at some of the blatant, bare faced scams and corruption being perpetrated by the people who are elected to govern and administer the City budget and make sure the money that the City does have on hand is being spent wisely. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you DROP. D R O P. Delayed Retirement Option Plan.
Without getting too technical and making your eyes glaze over too much, DROP was designed to offer senior, experienced and valuable employees an incentive to stay on the job for a couple extra years. An employee who was eligible to retire would, from the date he was originally scheduled to do so, remain on the job and all the money he or she would have collected in retirement/pension payments would be placed into his/her "bank". In four years (term could vary) the employee would retire, begin collecting the monthly pension and all the money accumulated in the "bank" would be paid in a lump sum with interest. So in that four years, not only were you still working full time and collecting your regular salary, you were also getting monthly contributions equal to what would have been your pension payments. OK, I've really, REALLY simplified this whole deal in the interest of saving time and space but that's pretty much the deal in a nutshell. Please, dear readers, feel free to offer any additions or corrections or better explanations of the program if you have them.
Now this is the part that pisses me off and should piss you off as well. Several members of our esteemed City Council, long a bastion of crooks, criminals and general scalliwags and ne'er do wells, discovered a loophole, an anomaly, a glitch, in the DROP program. Although the program was never intended to be for ELECTED OFFICIALS, several council persons realized they could get in on the goods. One of them, Joan Krajewski, a long time represenative of the area known as the "River Wards" (Kensington, Bridesburg, Fishtown...ring a bell?) enrolled in DROP, continued to serve on Council collecting the big bucks and perks. Retired. Retired for ONE DAY. UNretired, pocketed over $300K - that's three hundred THOUSAND DOLLARS - and then went back on council, continues collecting a regular council person's salary and benefits and walks around without a care in the world. Several other members of council are already enrolled in DROP, their "bank"is growing every day and they fully intend to do the same thing as Joan when their day comes. Council President Anna Verna stands to pocket well over half a million dollars. How would Dr. Evil say that? Half a m i l l i o nnnnnnnnnnnn dollars. Council members Frank Rizzo jr., Frank DiCicco, Marian Tasco and one or two others (its late folks and I'm writing this off the top of my head) collectively stand to pocket around two and a half million dollars.
The City closed swimming pools in rec centers all over the city. Thousands of inner city kids spent this summer sweltering on the mean streets where they spend all day worried about dodging bullets fired by rival thugs. I believe the average cost to open and operate a swimming pool for the summer is around 60 to 100 thousand dollars. How many pools could be opened with just the money scammed by Joan Krajewski? Mayor Nutter is threatening to lay off police officers, fire fighters, reduce trash collection to twice a month, he's already closed fire stations and reduced the number of paramedics on the street, he wanted to close libraries and the list goes on and on. And now the City wants to charge ABATE thirty thousand dollars to hold the Toy Run. Thirty grand from a NON PROFIT ORG. who charges no fees to attend the event, asking only that participants bring a Christmas present for a kid in the hospital. Where is ABATE going to come up with 30 large? Where was Friends Of The Forgotten supposed to come up with 13 thousand to hold their run?
The DROP money scammed by Joan Krajewski alone could fund TEN toy runs. The DROP money scammed by Joan Krajewski alone could have opened FIVE swimming pools for poor inner city kids. The DROP money already scammed and scheduled to be scammed could do a lot of good things besides line the pockets of greedy, self centered, do nothing, feckless, disgusting pieces of shit taking up space that could be occupied by decent people. Michael Nutter, who campaigned on a promise of "reform", has been out to lunch on this one, folks. A former council member, he lacks the balls to take them on and call them what they are (see above). He is spineless and gutless and a whole lot of people may see a whole lot of good things go away, good things that benefit people that politicians just don't give a fuck about. A whole lot of people who just want to come to the city, ride a motorcycle around and see the sights and maybe....just maybe make the day a little brighter for a sick kid. People like my friend Fefe.
Thanks for getting pissed off, Feefster! I don't know if I got all of the specific facts and figures right. I know I'm damn close. I'm not vouching for spelling, grammar or punctuation either. I don't know if I have any talent as a writer at all. But I do know that I've never written anything before in my little rant space here on The Mountain that I'm as proud of as this one.
Arlo Guthrie, in Alice's Restaurant, (and I'm paraphrasing not quoting) said if one person does it they just think you're crazy...and if two people do it they'll think you're weird ( I know what he really said....its a new time, people) and if more than three people do it then its a movement. Let's start a movement together. Let's drop DROP.
Thanks, Fefe. And thanks, Facebook. That's the View From The Mountain. I beg of you, dear reader (if there are any) PLEASE tell me your thoughts.
Fefe is pissed, and rightly so, because the City of Philadelphia, of which I am a resident and she is not, is threatening to cancel an event which has been held for many years here in the city, that being the ABATE (Alliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education) Toy Run For The Kids. The kids being referenced are young patients being treated for illness and accidents at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. ABATE, (I am old enough to remember way back when I joined ABATE in the 70's when the acronym meant "Alliance of Bikers Against a Totalitarian Establishment"). The organization, like me, has mellowed a bit as the years have passed. I still like the old name. Even though I was a cop for many years I like to think I still harbor a good deal of that "stick it to the man" attitude. Anyway, back to Fefe. The toy run, as well as a motorcycle run conducted by the POW/MIA awareness group Friends Of The Forgotten, are both the victims of the big time budget crunch that allegedly exists here in the City Of Brotherly Love. Fefe and many many others that I know who ride motorcycles for recreation and fun have been regular participants in these events and others like them over the years. Now these events are in danger of being scrapped because the City can not afford to pay the costs that the Mayor, Michael Nutter, claims the City incurs when these events and others like them are held. Its not just motorcycle events. Numerous civic and ethnic groups have been threatened with the cancellation of their festival or parade unless they come up with a big pile of money to reimburse the City for the costs. The whys and whens and hows and ins and outs and the actual numbers involved escape me at the moment (I will conduct further research to ID some specifics) but the bottom line is that the city is no longer able to fund the costs of police and fire and ems services, as well as the streets department who cleans up after the events and all the other city agencies who are involved in one way or the other when an event is held.
I know that the St. Patrick's Day Parade, a big time deal in Philly, was nearly cancelled until a group of corporate sponsors stepped up to provide the funding. Similar appeals were made for donations to allow several other groups to keep their affairs running. Several corporate and civic organizations helped with funding to allow the Gay/Lesbian Pride Fest to go on as planned. The GLBT Fest (please don't slam me if I'm not calling the event or group by its formal name, I'm just trying to make a point) like many others, brings a lot of visitors to the city. They spend money. Hotels, restaurants, taxis, you name it, all benefit from these events. No one group or organization is more important than the other, each and every one is important to the people who organize and attend them and rightly so.
Is there a point here, Bill? Yes! Its hard to take the whining and crying and moaning and hand wringing and the whole Chicken Little the sky is falling act seriously when you look at some of the blatant, bare faced scams and corruption being perpetrated by the people who are elected to govern and administer the City budget and make sure the money that the City does have on hand is being spent wisely. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you DROP. D R O P. Delayed Retirement Option Plan.
Without getting too technical and making your eyes glaze over too much, DROP was designed to offer senior, experienced and valuable employees an incentive to stay on the job for a couple extra years. An employee who was eligible to retire would, from the date he was originally scheduled to do so, remain on the job and all the money he or she would have collected in retirement/pension payments would be placed into his/her "bank". In four years (term could vary) the employee would retire, begin collecting the monthly pension and all the money accumulated in the "bank" would be paid in a lump sum with interest. So in that four years, not only were you still working full time and collecting your regular salary, you were also getting monthly contributions equal to what would have been your pension payments. OK, I've really, REALLY simplified this whole deal in the interest of saving time and space but that's pretty much the deal in a nutshell. Please, dear readers, feel free to offer any additions or corrections or better explanations of the program if you have them.
Now this is the part that pisses me off and should piss you off as well. Several members of our esteemed City Council, long a bastion of crooks, criminals and general scalliwags and ne'er do wells, discovered a loophole, an anomaly, a glitch, in the DROP program. Although the program was never intended to be for ELECTED OFFICIALS, several council persons realized they could get in on the goods. One of them, Joan Krajewski, a long time represenative of the area known as the "River Wards" (Kensington, Bridesburg, Fishtown...ring a bell?) enrolled in DROP, continued to serve on Council collecting the big bucks and perks. Retired. Retired for ONE DAY. UNretired, pocketed over $300K - that's three hundred THOUSAND DOLLARS - and then went back on council, continues collecting a regular council person's salary and benefits and walks around without a care in the world. Several other members of council are already enrolled in DROP, their "bank"is growing every day and they fully intend to do the same thing as Joan when their day comes. Council President Anna Verna stands to pocket well over half a million dollars. How would Dr. Evil say that? Half a m i l l i o nnnnnnnnnnnn dollars. Council members Frank Rizzo jr., Frank DiCicco, Marian Tasco and one or two others (its late folks and I'm writing this off the top of my head) collectively stand to pocket around two and a half million dollars.
The City closed swimming pools in rec centers all over the city. Thousands of inner city kids spent this summer sweltering on the mean streets where they spend all day worried about dodging bullets fired by rival thugs. I believe the average cost to open and operate a swimming pool for the summer is around 60 to 100 thousand dollars. How many pools could be opened with just the money scammed by Joan Krajewski? Mayor Nutter is threatening to lay off police officers, fire fighters, reduce trash collection to twice a month, he's already closed fire stations and reduced the number of paramedics on the street, he wanted to close libraries and the list goes on and on. And now the City wants to charge ABATE thirty thousand dollars to hold the Toy Run. Thirty grand from a NON PROFIT ORG. who charges no fees to attend the event, asking only that participants bring a Christmas present for a kid in the hospital. Where is ABATE going to come up with 30 large? Where was Friends Of The Forgotten supposed to come up with 13 thousand to hold their run?
The DROP money scammed by Joan Krajewski alone could fund TEN toy runs. The DROP money scammed by Joan Krajewski alone could have opened FIVE swimming pools for poor inner city kids. The DROP money already scammed and scheduled to be scammed could do a lot of good things besides line the pockets of greedy, self centered, do nothing, feckless, disgusting pieces of shit taking up space that could be occupied by decent people. Michael Nutter, who campaigned on a promise of "reform", has been out to lunch on this one, folks. A former council member, he lacks the balls to take them on and call them what they are (see above). He is spineless and gutless and a whole lot of people may see a whole lot of good things go away, good things that benefit people that politicians just don't give a fuck about. A whole lot of people who just want to come to the city, ride a motorcycle around and see the sights and maybe....just maybe make the day a little brighter for a sick kid. People like my friend Fefe.
Thanks for getting pissed off, Feefster! I don't know if I got all of the specific facts and figures right. I know I'm damn close. I'm not vouching for spelling, grammar or punctuation either. I don't know if I have any talent as a writer at all. But I do know that I've never written anything before in my little rant space here on The Mountain that I'm as proud of as this one.
Arlo Guthrie, in Alice's Restaurant, (and I'm paraphrasing not quoting) said if one person does it they just think you're crazy...and if two people do it they'll think you're weird ( I know what he really said....its a new time, people) and if more than three people do it then its a movement. Let's start a movement together. Let's drop DROP.
Thanks, Fefe. And thanks, Facebook. That's the View From The Mountain. I beg of you, dear reader (if there are any) PLEASE tell me your thoughts.
Monday, August 10, 2009
First things first. Full disclosure: YES. On more than one occasion in my lifetime I smoked pot. Yes, I inhaled. Did I like it? Not really. All it really did was dry my mouth out and make me hungry and all you need to do is take one look at me and know I don't need any assistance in finding a reason to eat. What were my reasons for smoking it? Peer pressure mostly. I didn't want to be the oddball in the group. I don't care about things like that anymore. Frankly I don't give a shit what you think about what I do or don't do or whether I'm cool or not. I view the whole pot smoking thing to be something you do when you're young and rebellious and worry about things like peer pressure. I thought eventually you grow out of it and move on. Apparently a lot people never grew out of it. Pot is bigger than ever and its not just young folks. I'm actually amazed at how many people my age - boomers - still partake of the weed on a regular basis while they worry about their own kids and grand kids drug use.
I honestly don't know what the lure marijuana is. Its supposedly not addictive yet I find the number of people who don't seem able to give it up utterly astounding. One of the situations that I found to be ironic was the fact that for over 20 years I was a law enforcement officer and was charged with arresting people who broke the drug laws and I never once had to submit to drug testing. Upon retiring from the police and entering the trucking business I was constantly tested.
Go figure. I knew that many other drivers and applicants for driving jobs were regularly testing "hot" for drugs. I had no idea how ridiculous it was until I got into a management position at a trucking company and was responsible for conducting the pre employment drug testing program. On average during my tenure of approximately 18 months between 2 and 3 of every 5 applicants failed the drug screen. A test they KNEW they were going to take. In my time there I terminated the employment of 3 drivers, who after being hired, were caught hot in random tests, again they KNEW they were subject to this testing. How stupid is that? More importantly, how stupid is it that their love or need for weed was stronger than their desire to attain or retain a relatively high paying job with good benefits? Its not a rheortical question. I really want to know. Can someone explain it to me? I'm not a prude or a religious nut or against having fun. I smoke cigars, drink whiskey, ride a motorcycle and am heavily tattooed. I'm not exactly a poster boy for conventional behavior but I really have a problem with the whole pot thing.
The thing is, there's a whole lot more at stake here than just a few knuckleheads losing a truck driving job. Unless you're living under a rock you have to know that violence along the United States/Mexican border is at an all time high. Murders are an every day occurrence. In some areas of northern Mexico many towns and villages are under absolute states of siege with running gun battles, kidnapping and murders at such a rate that Mexican Army troops have been sent in to make some sort of attempt to restore some semblance of order. Its not working. The source of all this violence and mayhem is fighting among the big drug dealers for market share. In the drug business you don't eliminate the competition by building the proverbial better mousetrap or by providing superior customer service. You eliminate the competition. Literally. Secretary of State Hillary (Mrs. Bill I did not inhale) Clinton makes a state visit to Mexico and rather than address the underlying causes of the street wars, accepts American responsibility for the carnage because so many of the weapons being used in the war are being purchased in this country. Its all the fault of the NRA. And the fault of law abiding, non mentally ill gun owners and sportsmen. Like yours truly. I fail to see how further restricting the type, amount or frequency of my firearms purchases is going to do anything to stem the carnage along the border.
Its not my fault, folks. Its yours. By yours I mean all you people who still find it necessary or whatever you find it to purchase and consume marijuana. Unless you're growing and processing it yourselves the weed you're smoking is highly likely to have come into this country by way of, or originated in Mexico and is being grown, processed and imported by the big time drug businesses that are murdering, kidnapping, raping and terrorizing entire areas of Mexico and southern America. You may not feel that the little bit that you consume has anything to do with this but you are wrong. I don't care how much you buy. Unless you can prove to me that your weed was grown and processed domestically by someone you know personally then I submit it was supplied by one of these blood thirsty murderous animals. YOUR pot smoking is financing this war. YOUR pot smoking contributes directly to the bombings and drive by shootings and intimidation and murder. YOUR pot purchase money goes to the drug dealers who use the profits to hire crooked police and soldiers. YOUR pot purchase money goes to the drug dealers who use their profits to hire paid assasins to kill honest police officers, soldiers, prosecutors and judges. Its all a matter of record. I'm not making this up, folks. Its happening every single day.
If they had no customers (YOU) they would have no reason to be in the drug business, and no reason to be trying to eliminate their competition.
Legalize it you say. I say, "no problem". I don't care if its legal. I don't care if you want to use it. I really don't give a shivering shit whether you get so stoned you can't remember your own name as long as it doesn't affect me. Don't do it while driving or working and if its legal I'm on your side. What pisses me off is that so many of the people who do smoke it on a regular basis actually believe that their use is harmless and has no consequences and that is just plain wrong.
Dead wrong for a lot of people. Just go ahead and keep burying your head in the sand. Sign a petition to make gun laws stronger. Do you honestly think that they won't get the guns they want and use if they don't get them from sources in the USA? Do you really think there aren't thousands of arms dealers around the world willing to supply guns for money? Support "common sense" gun legislation; and then abandon all of your common sense when you think that your recreational drug use has no impact on anyone outside your little circle of stoned friends. You're kidding yourself. You're helping to get people killed.
In the eyes of the law if you are only driving the get away car when your partners go into rob a bank and one of them kills someone during the commission of the crime you are just as guilty as murder as the one who pulls the trigger. Even if all you did was help them to plan the crime and never even went to the scene if it can be proven that you were part of the conspiracy you are again just as guilty of murder as the guy who shot the gun.
By buying your little ounce of "harmless, recreational" weed you are directly aiding and abetting the people who are committing the murders.
As far as I'm concerned you should be tried, convicted and put away. Yo, asshole. Don't bogart that joint....pass it over to murdering motherfucker.
I honestly don't know what the lure marijuana is. Its supposedly not addictive yet I find the number of people who don't seem able to give it up utterly astounding. One of the situations that I found to be ironic was the fact that for over 20 years I was a law enforcement officer and was charged with arresting people who broke the drug laws and I never once had to submit to drug testing. Upon retiring from the police and entering the trucking business I was constantly tested.
Go figure. I knew that many other drivers and applicants for driving jobs were regularly testing "hot" for drugs. I had no idea how ridiculous it was until I got into a management position at a trucking company and was responsible for conducting the pre employment drug testing program. On average during my tenure of approximately 18 months between 2 and 3 of every 5 applicants failed the drug screen. A test they KNEW they were going to take. In my time there I terminated the employment of 3 drivers, who after being hired, were caught hot in random tests, again they KNEW they were subject to this testing. How stupid is that? More importantly, how stupid is it that their love or need for weed was stronger than their desire to attain or retain a relatively high paying job with good benefits? Its not a rheortical question. I really want to know. Can someone explain it to me? I'm not a prude or a religious nut or against having fun. I smoke cigars, drink whiskey, ride a motorcycle and am heavily tattooed. I'm not exactly a poster boy for conventional behavior but I really have a problem with the whole pot thing.
The thing is, there's a whole lot more at stake here than just a few knuckleheads losing a truck driving job. Unless you're living under a rock you have to know that violence along the United States/Mexican border is at an all time high. Murders are an every day occurrence. In some areas of northern Mexico many towns and villages are under absolute states of siege with running gun battles, kidnapping and murders at such a rate that Mexican Army troops have been sent in to make some sort of attempt to restore some semblance of order. Its not working. The source of all this violence and mayhem is fighting among the big drug dealers for market share. In the drug business you don't eliminate the competition by building the proverbial better mousetrap or by providing superior customer service. You eliminate the competition. Literally. Secretary of State Hillary (Mrs. Bill I did not inhale) Clinton makes a state visit to Mexico and rather than address the underlying causes of the street wars, accepts American responsibility for the carnage because so many of the weapons being used in the war are being purchased in this country. Its all the fault of the NRA. And the fault of law abiding, non mentally ill gun owners and sportsmen. Like yours truly. I fail to see how further restricting the type, amount or frequency of my firearms purchases is going to do anything to stem the carnage along the border.
Its not my fault, folks. Its yours. By yours I mean all you people who still find it necessary or whatever you find it to purchase and consume marijuana. Unless you're growing and processing it yourselves the weed you're smoking is highly likely to have come into this country by way of, or originated in Mexico and is being grown, processed and imported by the big time drug businesses that are murdering, kidnapping, raping and terrorizing entire areas of Mexico and southern America. You may not feel that the little bit that you consume has anything to do with this but you are wrong. I don't care how much you buy. Unless you can prove to me that your weed was grown and processed domestically by someone you know personally then I submit it was supplied by one of these blood thirsty murderous animals. YOUR pot smoking is financing this war. YOUR pot smoking contributes directly to the bombings and drive by shootings and intimidation and murder. YOUR pot purchase money goes to the drug dealers who use the profits to hire crooked police and soldiers. YOUR pot purchase money goes to the drug dealers who use their profits to hire paid assasins to kill honest police officers, soldiers, prosecutors and judges. Its all a matter of record. I'm not making this up, folks. Its happening every single day.
If they had no customers (YOU) they would have no reason to be in the drug business, and no reason to be trying to eliminate their competition.
Legalize it you say. I say, "no problem". I don't care if its legal. I don't care if you want to use it. I really don't give a shivering shit whether you get so stoned you can't remember your own name as long as it doesn't affect me. Don't do it while driving or working and if its legal I'm on your side. What pisses me off is that so many of the people who do smoke it on a regular basis actually believe that their use is harmless and has no consequences and that is just plain wrong.
Dead wrong for a lot of people. Just go ahead and keep burying your head in the sand. Sign a petition to make gun laws stronger. Do you honestly think that they won't get the guns they want and use if they don't get them from sources in the USA? Do you really think there aren't thousands of arms dealers around the world willing to supply guns for money? Support "common sense" gun legislation; and then abandon all of your common sense when you think that your recreational drug use has no impact on anyone outside your little circle of stoned friends. You're kidding yourself. You're helping to get people killed.
In the eyes of the law if you are only driving the get away car when your partners go into rob a bank and one of them kills someone during the commission of the crime you are just as guilty as murder as the one who pulls the trigger. Even if all you did was help them to plan the crime and never even went to the scene if it can be proven that you were part of the conspiracy you are again just as guilty of murder as the guy who shot the gun.
By buying your little ounce of "harmless, recreational" weed you are directly aiding and abetting the people who are committing the murders.
As far as I'm concerned you should be tried, convicted and put away. Yo, asshole. Don't bogart that joint....pass it over to murdering motherfucker.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Driving School
Most people, when pressed, will be pretty honest when the discussion comes around to the things they do or don't do well. People will admit to being poor house keepers, poor dressers, having bad taste in entertainment, bad taste in picking mates and even being bad parents. No one will admit to being a bad driver. No one. Time after time in surveys and questionnaires sponsored by insurance companies and police departments and AAA auto clubs, respondents will all claim to be possessed of much higher than average driving skills. They pronounce themselves to be courteous, safe, considerate and well versed in the "rules of the road". To this I offer a hearty and resounding, "bullshit"!
I'm here to tell you that even though you, dear reader, may indeed be in the ridiculously small percentage of the motoring public who are safe and courteous drivers, the fact is the vast majority of you just plain suck. Who the hell am I to making these assumptions? I think I have a historical perspective to back up my claims:
I was a police officer for well over 20 years, having spent the bulk of my time on uniformed road patrol. I saw it every single day, when I observed the violations and investigated the accidents. Accidents happen when people mess up! I've observed people do things so horribly stupid and dangerous in FULL VIEW OF A MARKED POLICE CAR that I almost couldn't trust my own eyes. Upon retiring from the police department I embarked on a second career of sorts. I drove trucks. Big trucks. Dump trucks and tractor trailers. I've run local, regional and over the road operations. In the years since I left the police department I managed to accumulate well over 400 thousand miles of VERIFIABLE accident and violation free miles. I ran around and into the five boroughs of New York City. I've driven tractors pulling trailers into places they were never intended to go and then had to back them into places that they should not have been able to fit in to. I've run the Cross Bronx Expressway, the BQE, the I-285 "race track" around Atlanta, I-495 around Boston , the beltways of Baltimore and DC and across most of the interstate highways in the eastern portion of the country. I've run local roads and been in traffic for 8 or 10 hours a day. Accident and violation free. I've also ridden a motorcycle for my entire adult life and have so far managed to survive literally hundreds of attempts on my life by people driving cars with their heads up their ass. In addition I have traditionally eschewed commercial air travel in favor of driving and have made at least 30 trips in a car or pick up truck in excess of 2500 miles. I know what I've seen, I know what I know and what I know is that you people can't drive worth a shit.
You might think I'm talking about the occasional idiot you see blistering through traffic, cutting lanes and running 30 to 40 miles an hour over the speed limit. That guy's bad enough but he or she isn't the one I'm talking about. He knows he's being a dick and is simply tempting fate. I'm talking about the dumb ass stupid shit that most of you do ever single solitary time you get in the car. I guess my most recent trip down to Columbus, GA. is the impetus for this rant. I saw enough stupidity in 14 hours of driving to convince me that the situation is hopeless. I'm a big believer in cruise control. I prefer to drive using it. Its nearly impossible to do, however. I'll have the cruise set, running the right side lane (more on THAT in a bit) and a car will pass me and pull in front into the lane I'm running; and then slow down, requiring that I pass him. Within 3 miles the SAME car will come hammering past me and we'll do this time and time and time again and I will never have deactivated the cruise. I've been running the exact same speed and yet this guy passes me and gets passed again.
On ramps. Oh. My. God. Do any of you have any notion what so ever what the word "merge" means? I don't think so. Not based on what I see time after time. Merge, for the purposes of our discussion means observing the traffic on the highway you wish to enter and by either ACCELERATING or NOT you gauge your speed against the speed of the other vehicles and either pull ahead or pull in behind the others. It does NOT mean drive to the end of the ramp and stop and then sit there looking stupid. It certainly does not mean reaching a certain speed at which you're all warm and fuzzy and then maintaining it so that you end up running out of on ramp while constantly trying to get the guy who's right along side of you to get out of your way and driving on the berm and it absofuckinglutely does not mean that the vehicles currently driving on the road you intend to enter have to stop or slow down to let you on! Merge. Yield. These terms mean something. You should have been taught their meaning in driver ed. Obviously you weren't. Or, most likely your mommy, daddy or big brother who taught you to drive did not know what the words meant so you never learned.
OK, here's a scenario: You're out driving along at 70 miles an hour, putting on your makeup, chatting with your bff (or even worse, texting) and adjusting the radio. You're in the left lane (we're getting to that) and you see a big orange sign that says, "RIGHT LANE CLOSED 2 MILES". What do you do?
A-continue all of the above as if the sign is not there
B-continue all of the above as is the sign is not there
C-continue all of the above as if the sign is not there AND light a joint
D-move into the right lane
You'll say the answer is "D" and of course you're right.....but you WON'T DO IT!!!!
Of course the answer is D. You know what the correct thing to do is but you'll just keep running down the left hand lane. You'll pass several more advisory signs right up until you run up the ass of all the other idiots who are still in the left lane and are actively trying to get ahead of as many other cars who have moved into the right lane and now there's a big traffic jam of people trying to jam their way over and no one is going anywhere. The sad part is the fact that had you just moved over when you saw the first sign there would be no traffic jam. You and the other morons who have a pathological need to get in front of one more car CAUSED the jam. YOU caused it. Are you really that stupid?
Last but not least. The posted speed limit is 65 mph. Its a 2 or 3 lane interstate highway. Why in the name of General (now Government) Motors are you in the far left lane doing 60? Why are you so intent on the cell phone conversation you're in the middle of that you cannot see in your rear view mirror (that thing you use to check your hair or makeup) a line of 10 to 20 cars lined up nose to tail behind you, blowing horns and flashing head lights? Ok. You're doing the speed limit. 65 mph right on the nose. No one should be going any faster, right? If you're obeying the law you're gonna damn straight make sure every one else does too, right? Here's a news flash. Some of us want to go faster than the posted limit, even if its only by 2 0r 3 mph. Who made you the sheriff? PULL OVER MORON!! I wish it was this attitude that causes the back ups but its actually a combination of inattentiveness and just plain ignorance of the so called rules of the road. The signs are out there people: "KEEP RIGHT/PASS LEFT". You don't have to know the rules we'll post them for you and yet you still either can't or you just plumb refuse to go along with the program.I know for a fact that some people are just happier in the left lane. I wish I knew why. I've come up behind someone and after managing to get his or her attention and get them to actually move over to allow me to pass them they immediately pull right back into the left lane and continue to cause problems for other vehicles coming up behind them.
Lastly. You're at a stop sign and traffic is passing in both directions in front of you and need to cross the roadway. You're at an intersection and need to make a left turn across the path of approaching traffic. You're waiting to exit the shopping center parking lot on to the highway into traffic.
What is the guiding principle that determines when you should make the movement into or across the traffic? We all know the correct answer is, "when its safe". If only that were true. Stop and think about it honestly for a minute. Really be honest with yourself. You know that more often than not the question you ask is not "is it safe?" What you're asking instead is, "CAN I MAKE IT?"
There's a big difference there if you think about it, really think about it. The life you save may be yours. Or some guy's on a motorcycle. Like me. Think about, it please?
I'm here to tell you that even though you, dear reader, may indeed be in the ridiculously small percentage of the motoring public who are safe and courteous drivers, the fact is the vast majority of you just plain suck. Who the hell am I to making these assumptions? I think I have a historical perspective to back up my claims:
I was a police officer for well over 20 years, having spent the bulk of my time on uniformed road patrol. I saw it every single day, when I observed the violations and investigated the accidents. Accidents happen when people mess up! I've observed people do things so horribly stupid and dangerous in FULL VIEW OF A MARKED POLICE CAR that I almost couldn't trust my own eyes. Upon retiring from the police department I embarked on a second career of sorts. I drove trucks. Big trucks. Dump trucks and tractor trailers. I've run local, regional and over the road operations. In the years since I left the police department I managed to accumulate well over 400 thousand miles of VERIFIABLE accident and violation free miles. I ran around and into the five boroughs of New York City. I've driven tractors pulling trailers into places they were never intended to go and then had to back them into places that they should not have been able to fit in to. I've run the Cross Bronx Expressway, the BQE, the I-285 "race track" around Atlanta, I-495 around Boston , the beltways of Baltimore and DC and across most of the interstate highways in the eastern portion of the country. I've run local roads and been in traffic for 8 or 10 hours a day. Accident and violation free. I've also ridden a motorcycle for my entire adult life and have so far managed to survive literally hundreds of attempts on my life by people driving cars with their heads up their ass. In addition I have traditionally eschewed commercial air travel in favor of driving and have made at least 30 trips in a car or pick up truck in excess of 2500 miles. I know what I've seen, I know what I know and what I know is that you people can't drive worth a shit.
You might think I'm talking about the occasional idiot you see blistering through traffic, cutting lanes and running 30 to 40 miles an hour over the speed limit. That guy's bad enough but he or she isn't the one I'm talking about. He knows he's being a dick and is simply tempting fate. I'm talking about the dumb ass stupid shit that most of you do ever single solitary time you get in the car. I guess my most recent trip down to Columbus, GA. is the impetus for this rant. I saw enough stupidity in 14 hours of driving to convince me that the situation is hopeless. I'm a big believer in cruise control. I prefer to drive using it. Its nearly impossible to do, however. I'll have the cruise set, running the right side lane (more on THAT in a bit) and a car will pass me and pull in front into the lane I'm running; and then slow down, requiring that I pass him. Within 3 miles the SAME car will come hammering past me and we'll do this time and time and time again and I will never have deactivated the cruise. I've been running the exact same speed and yet this guy passes me and gets passed again.
On ramps. Oh. My. God. Do any of you have any notion what so ever what the word "merge" means? I don't think so. Not based on what I see time after time. Merge, for the purposes of our discussion means observing the traffic on the highway you wish to enter and by either ACCELERATING or NOT you gauge your speed against the speed of the other vehicles and either pull ahead or pull in behind the others. It does NOT mean drive to the end of the ramp and stop and then sit there looking stupid. It certainly does not mean reaching a certain speed at which you're all warm and fuzzy and then maintaining it so that you end up running out of on ramp while constantly trying to get the guy who's right along side of you to get out of your way and driving on the berm and it absofuckinglutely does not mean that the vehicles currently driving on the road you intend to enter have to stop or slow down to let you on! Merge. Yield. These terms mean something. You should have been taught their meaning in driver ed. Obviously you weren't. Or, most likely your mommy, daddy or big brother who taught you to drive did not know what the words meant so you never learned.
OK, here's a scenario: You're out driving along at 70 miles an hour, putting on your makeup, chatting with your bff (or even worse, texting) and adjusting the radio. You're in the left lane (we're getting to that) and you see a big orange sign that says, "RIGHT LANE CLOSED 2 MILES". What do you do?
A-continue all of the above as if the sign is not there
B-continue all of the above as is the sign is not there
C-continue all of the above as if the sign is not there AND light a joint
D-move into the right lane
You'll say the answer is "D" and of course you're right.....but you WON'T DO IT!!!!
Of course the answer is D. You know what the correct thing to do is but you'll just keep running down the left hand lane. You'll pass several more advisory signs right up until you run up the ass of all the other idiots who are still in the left lane and are actively trying to get ahead of as many other cars who have moved into the right lane and now there's a big traffic jam of people trying to jam their way over and no one is going anywhere. The sad part is the fact that had you just moved over when you saw the first sign there would be no traffic jam. You and the other morons who have a pathological need to get in front of one more car CAUSED the jam. YOU caused it. Are you really that stupid?
Last but not least. The posted speed limit is 65 mph. Its a 2 or 3 lane interstate highway. Why in the name of General (now Government) Motors are you in the far left lane doing 60? Why are you so intent on the cell phone conversation you're in the middle of that you cannot see in your rear view mirror (that thing you use to check your hair or makeup) a line of 10 to 20 cars lined up nose to tail behind you, blowing horns and flashing head lights? Ok. You're doing the speed limit. 65 mph right on the nose. No one should be going any faster, right? If you're obeying the law you're gonna damn straight make sure every one else does too, right? Here's a news flash. Some of us want to go faster than the posted limit, even if its only by 2 0r 3 mph. Who made you the sheriff? PULL OVER MORON!! I wish it was this attitude that causes the back ups but its actually a combination of inattentiveness and just plain ignorance of the so called rules of the road. The signs are out there people: "KEEP RIGHT/PASS LEFT". You don't have to know the rules we'll post them for you and yet you still either can't or you just plumb refuse to go along with the program.I know for a fact that some people are just happier in the left lane. I wish I knew why. I've come up behind someone and after managing to get his or her attention and get them to actually move over to allow me to pass them they immediately pull right back into the left lane and continue to cause problems for other vehicles coming up behind them.
Lastly. You're at a stop sign and traffic is passing in both directions in front of you and need to cross the roadway. You're at an intersection and need to make a left turn across the path of approaching traffic. You're waiting to exit the shopping center parking lot on to the highway into traffic.
What is the guiding principle that determines when you should make the movement into or across the traffic? We all know the correct answer is, "when its safe". If only that were true. Stop and think about it honestly for a minute. Really be honest with yourself. You know that more often than not the question you ask is not "is it safe?" What you're asking instead is, "CAN I MAKE IT?"
There's a big difference there if you think about it, really think about it. The life you save may be yours. Or some guy's on a motorcycle. Like me. Think about, it please?
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