I've finally made it. I've joined the ranks of all the other scoundrels in the country. I've become an angry white male. Some of you who know me and have read my material may have classified me as such long before this. Well, I'm here to tell you "you ain't seen nothing yet." I'm not just angry. I'm down right pissed the fuck off and I hope the whole world knows it. Two different news items, one local and one national have gotten me to this point.
First the national: You know where I'm going here. Cambridge,Massachusets. If not the geographic center of good old eastern, old time liberal USA, its pretty darn close. Home of Harvard University and an area that went overwhelmingly for Obama in the last election. We all know the basics. A big shot Harvard professor locks himself out of his house, is observed "breaking into" his own home (by a neighbor no less, so much for knowing who you live around) who calls the police and reports a burglary in progress. What happened from there all depends on what side you've decided to take here. I'll tell you right up front, I'm on the side of the police officers who got the call and arrived at the house. OK, professor lives there, ID's himself as the resident and the shit hits the fan. I have a sneaking suspicion that no matter what the cop did as far as the professor was concerned the cops were wrong and racist, regardless of what they did or said or how they did or said it. The professor basically admits he flipped out. He apparently feels he is entitled to do so. He's not. He's supposed to identify himself as the resident of the property in question, cooperate with the officer who is doing his job and shut the fuck up. Answer a couple quick questions, be civil with the officer and shut the fuck up. Elmer Smith, a notorious race baiting columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News, said the same thing in his rant in this morning's edition. According to Smith the professor was merely questioning the cops' authority and that got him locked up. There's nothing to question. The officer got a legitimate radio call and went to investigate. Supply ID, answer the questions and shut the fuck up.Since this story broke one phrase keeps popping up in the media coverage and its this phrase that has me so fired up over this. "RACIAL PROFILING".
There was absolutely positively no profiling involved here. I would submit that thanks to the idiots in mass media less than 5 percent of the population actually has half an idea just what profiling even is. Profiling, boiled down to its simplest point, is very similar to a line from an old Dirty Harry movie. Harry claims to have shot a male who was intending to commit rape. When questioned as to how he made that determination Harry said, "when I see a naked man chasing a woman with a butcher knife and a hard on I don't figure he's out collecting for the Red Cross."
That's profiling. Stopping men of middle eastern descent carrying copies of Osama bin Laden's autobiography about to board an airplane is profiling. Stopping a car full of young white kids in a car cruising a notorious drug corner in an all black neighborhood is profiling. There was NO profiling there and if you still can't accept that, contact me and I'll explain it so your 2nd grade level brain can grasp the concept. The police officer here did his job. He did it competently and professionally and within his department's guidelines and procedures and finally the professor's running his mouth got to the level of being more shit than the officer got paid to take and he got locked up. And for this the President of The United States says the police acted "stupidly".
Closer to home, the web site www.domelights.com has been shut down by its operators. The shut down is voluntary but is a direct result of all the pressure being exerted by the usual group of race baiters and apologists, such as Philadelphia Inquirer columnists Annette Jon Hall and Monica Yant Kinney. A small percentage of the rank and file of the Philadelphia Police Department had embarked on a crusade to shut the web site down because of alleged racist remarks made by posters to the site's forums. Once again, a small but vocal segment of a group is dictating what can and cannot be done or said by a much larger group. You have the right to be a racist. You have the right to like or dislike anyone you want. You can be for or against what ever you want. You have the right to express your opinions. If people don't like it, or you, they can shun you, not read your posts or express an alternate view. Who the hell gave such a small group the right to censor and silent the rest of the public? I was an occasional poster on domelights. Frankly I didn't much care for the site because of what I perceived to be a cliquish, in crowd sort of attitude. A core group of regular posters were quick to skewer any one who did not agree with the main stream opinion and were quick to skewer any one who was not a Philadelphia Police Officer. I saw many posts where they skewered other Philadelphia cops who were not part of the clique. I think a good number of the regulars on domelights were assholes. I saw some blatantly racist postings but I'll tell you they were few and far between and usually the poster was taken to task for it by many of the other regulars. The point here comes down to the fact that a ridiculously small percentage of the police department in particular and the general population in general is dictating what the rest of free Americans are and are not allowed to say or read. That is just plain wrong. What happened to free speech? What happened to "not agreeing with what you say but defending to the death your right to say it"? What has happened in this country where a few rabble rousing, race baiting charlatans (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et al) can scream racist and 88 per cent of the rest of us cower in fear of being branded a racist?
Where has my country gone? Is this why I have a son serving in harm's way in a foreign land?
I want my country back and I'm telling anyone who cares to listen that I, for one, am prepared to fight to get it back.
Bring it motherfuckers. Bring it. And if that makes me a racist in your eyes, tough shit. I'm a racist then.
That's the View From The Mountain.
What do YOU think?
Friday, July 24, 2009
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